Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (every Wednesday through August 21, 2024) Sign-ups for the season begin at the OCCWA May meeting. Joining the league is a great way to get started in golf and make new friends. All level golfers are welcome! This is for any lady who wants to join other women on Wednesday evenings to play golf on a team. A variety of formats for fun play are arranged weekly. The season will begin and end with a “Fun Scramble” format. Tee times will be assigned and score cards for the format of the day will be made out prior to play. Members and non-members are welcome. Substitutes are also welcome and very much needed! A contingency plan is in place if a sub is unavailable for a regular league player. To sign-up, call Jane Horton at 802-673-8698 or Carol Boucher at 617-833-0258.
For more information on our Ladies’ Twilight League with a complete summer schedule and additional Ladies events at OCC, click here.